I haven't been able to get to the computer to write about RIM Rocks 2007. OMG - so much fun. Our friends Phil & Biz invited us to join them for the RIM concert at the ACC last Thursday. The Tragically Hip opened for Van Halen in a private concert for 14,000. Biz looked after every detail for us and did an awesome job organizing. The bands were so good and our seats were awesome. Growing up Andy's favourite band was Van Halen so he was super excited to see them. He was singing along "PANAMA" and dancing. Loved watching him enjoy himself so much. We were so close to the stage it was amazing. Andy kept on saying "did you get a picture". Boy can David Lee Roth really move still. He was swinging his legs like no tomorrow. After the concert we went to Flo Restaurant for the after party. The food was amazing and we got a chance to meet Gordon Downey. A night to remember. Special Thanks to Biz!!

The Hip

David Lee Roth of Van Halen

wohooo how fun is that!!!! Is that one guy Sean??
Looks like TONS of fun!!! :D
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