Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Woman of Leisure

Yesterday after school I was speaking with a friend(or is she?)In our conversation I mentioned the fact that I have been playing women's pick up hockey 2 days a week at lunchtime. At which point she said that I was lucky to be a "Woman of Leisure". For almost 24 hours I have been fuming. Why is it that people choose to make such hurtful and judgemental comments about people and how they spend there time. Although I am sure this person felt that she was being funny she was judging and criticizing how I spend my time. Judging and criticizing the choices our family has made. Devaluing the things that I feel are important for my family and me. I am angry. Perhaps had it been a different setting I would have confronted her about it. I have contemplated sending her an email discussing my anger. I will probably sweep it under the carpet. But man - just because I stay at home and choose to incorporate exercise into my schedule I am by no means a Woman of Leisure. Yes I have made a choice not to work outside of my home and do things differently than a working person but trust me I ain't sitting around eating bonbons watching TV. If I was doing those things good for me.


Tricia Orchard said...

You don't sit around eating bon bons? I thought every stay-at-home-mom did that! NOT!

I would be upset too. Hopefully, she didn't mean it in a mean way.

Good for you for getting some exercise and doing something for yourself! I have no doubt that the rest of your time at home is extremely busy and productive!

Maybe take out your anger at your next hockey game?


Sue said...

I find your dedication to your family inspiring, Michelle. Sending love to deserve it!!

Susan Fish said...

HI Michelle - I happened on this through Carrie's blog. I had a similar comment made to me about writing my novel. Seriously. Fortunately, the person made the comment twice and I was prepared the second time around to explain that while it was less paid work than some, it was definitely work.

Leah MacKinnon said...

My aunt told me that staying at home while her kids were young (even once they went to school) was the hardest job she'd ever done. While I have a little taste of the paid-work in my days, I have more than enough of the stay-at-home-work to agree with her fully! Any break or release you take for yourself Michelle you definately deserve!

I have to weekly put on my mental steel armor from the casual comments I receive from my 'understanding' coworkers to bite my tongue and try to think of the right way to respond to their lack of understanding. It is such a mystery to me why the work that we do in the house and as parents is so completely undervalued and underestimated by others.

Mindy said...

She only wins if you spend any more time angry.

It's not worth the energy. You're the greatest mom ever.

Now go put your feet up and eat some bonbons! ;)