* Both of the kids are in school full time taking french immersion - Mer grade 1 and Avery grade 3. Both kids are settling well into the routine and both like their teachers.
* We started the school year with a new morning routine that is eliminating some of the stress. Thanks to my friend Marnie for her High 5 idea. What is it - before the kids come down stairs they need to get dressed, brush their teeth and wash their face, make their beds, put up the blinds and do a quick tidy of their room. It is amazing how this routine High 5 routine is getting done with ease and most of the arguments are eliminated. This also gives us time to practice music in the morning.
* Both kids started music again. Avery has switched to the violin and Mer is playing the piano. I love the discipline that music provides. I love that they can practice in the morning before school.
* Both kids are doing ice activities this year - Avery is playing hockey and starts this weekend. Meredith is playing ringette and has made the Bunny Major team - she has been on the ice 4 times already! Anyone with girls that is interested in an ice sport I would highly recommend Ringette. The Waterloo program is amazing with great coaches and they get to do power skating as part of the program. If the kids are under 8, the cost is only $175! Mer loves it.
* I am getting into the swing of being home by myself. I have high hopes for my self and super long to do lists - unfortunately not much has been stroked off! It will come. I have been playing some golf and that has been great. I have also ventured back to the gym doing some of the boot camp classes. I am claiming the last 2 weeks as my vacation time! I am starting ringette in a couple of weeks.
* Last week I was lucky enough to go and see U2 in Toronto. Truly an amazing concert. I loved the old stuff they sang. It was so cool to relive memories of Joshua Tree, Rattle and Hum, and Achtung Baby. They sang all the favourites - With or Without You, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Still Haven't Found what I am Looking For, One and many more. I loved it. The stage was incredible and we had great seats. Thanks BIZ and Phil. We had such a great time - limo, dinner, concert, after party at the CN Tower, loot bags. Thanks to Linds for babysitting.
photos taken by The Rusk.
* We have been busy putting up local food. Between the last 2 weekends we did 2 bushels of tomatoes. We canned about 40 jars of tomatoes, made pizza sauce, salsa and pearsauce. I still need to finish up the zucchini relish. My plan for tomorrow. I wish we could preserve more of the local fresh produce.
* On the last week of the summer my mom took all the girls on a mystery road trip - 3 adults and 5 kids to Great Wolf Lodge. Oh my gosh we had fun.
* 09/09/09 we celebrated with friends and had a great dinner. I guess Biz started a tradition on 08/08/08. 12/12/12 is the date that Andy & I need to plan for - I have got some time. What a great tradition.
* What I haven't been doing is SCRAPBOOKING. Need to get back at it - I am missing it.